Industries & Specialties

Industries & Specialties
Kuroshio Current brings Yakushima rich bountiful seawater with the largest variety of fish in Japan. The large variety of sea products is a result of abundant rainfalls. Because of Yakushima’s abundant rain, rich soil, and environment, it is known as a treasure house of plants.

Ponkan and Tankan (mikan)

Ponkan and Tankan mikans are the main agricultural products on Yakushima. The harvest season for Ponkan is from December to January, and for Tankan is from February to March. The mikans are very delicious. These mikans are made into sweet cakes, cookies, jam and juice. They make very good gifts.


Yakusugi cedar products

Cedars in Yakushima over 1000 years old are called “Yakusugi” and the younger cedars are called “Kosugi”, which means child cedar. Yakusugi cedars are made into wooden products by local craftsmen. These products are very beautiful showing the warmth of Yakusugi. The Yakusugi products range from a few hundred yen to millions of yen. The aroma of Yakusugi is unique and pleasing. 
Today, Yakusugi logging is prohibited for the conservation of the forest. Now, “domaiboku” (Remnants of Yakusugi) is the only resource for Yakusugi cedar products. 
The harvesting of Yakusugi domaiboku is coming to an end, products made from yakusugi cedar will be even harder to acquire in the future.


Shochu (Japanese spirit)

Yakushima’s shochu is a Japanese spirit distilled from sweet potatoes ‘Imo’ and shochu for Yakushima is ‘Imo-shochu’. Yakushima has two local shochu brewing companies. Yakushima’s shochu is known throughout Japan for its taste and quality.



Yakushima is well suited for the cultivation of tea, having plenty of rain and a warm climate. Many tea fields with its fresh green leaves can be seen at the foot of the mountains. Harvesting tea leaves begins in mid-March. Please try our tea


Saba-bushi (Dried mackerel)

Saba-bushi is made from fresh mackerel caught in the sea surrounding Yakushima. There are two types of Saba-bushi, “Hon-gare” which is thoroughly dried and “Namari-bushi” which is smoked. (Smoked mackerels go well with shochu.) It is not only a popular gift but also a favorite food for the local people. You can buy saba-bushi at tourist gift shops and at the local supermarkets. 
* Dried mackerel plants are located in Isso and they also offer plant tours. 


Gajutsu & Ukon (zedoary and turmeric)

Yakushima, otherwise known as the ‘island of herbal medicine’, is famous for much kind of medical herbs used to be grown. The best-known herbs among of them are ‘gajutsu’ zedoary and turmeric, and have become famous and popular products. They are firm favorite crops for a long time on Yakushima because of its efficacy/effectiveness and quality as a medicine. 
*They belong to the ginger family.