Mountaineering Information




If you plan to do any mountain climbing, we ask that you submit a mountain-climbing notification for your safety.
Yakushima, a world natural heritage site, is known for its abundant nature and topographical features, high mountains, old growth forest with Yakusugi over thousands of years old, vertical distribution of vegetation ranging from the coastal subtropical zone to the high mountain subarctic zone, and many academically valued life forms.
Being a popular site, the burden on the environment has increased dramatically in recent years. The conservation and management of Yakushima’s irreplaceable nature is a top priority. We ask all who visit Yakushima to keep Yakushima clean and help protect the environment for our future generation. Please bring back your trash.

◆◆◆ Things you should know before climbing. ◆◆◆

◆ Traffic Regulations and Arakawa Mountain Bus for Jomonsugi Arakawa Route

Traffic on Arakawa Route is regulated all day to reduce the environmental burden and to control excessive car traffic going into the mountains.

➢【Regulation period】     From March1 to November 30
➢【Regulation time】      24 hours (Arakawa san-saro’s gate operation)
➢【Regulation zone】
From the gate at the Arakawa san-saro to Arakawa tozan-guchi
People who start climbing from Arakawa Mountain Trail Entrance have to use the Arakawa Mountain Bus during the traffic regulations period. 
 (*Chartered buses and taxis can go through this route.)


➢【Arakawa Mountain Bus fare】        
・Junior high school students and up:    [One-way] 700 yen   [Round-trip] 1,400 yen  
・Elementary school students:      [One-way] 350 yen   [Round-trip] 700 yen
*Please purchase the Arakawa Mountain Bus ticket and cooperate with the Yakushima’s Mountain Environmental Conservation Donation program in advance.
*You can get a refund at Arakawa Mountain Bus Information Office (in front of Yakusugi Museum bus stop) and tourist information centers.

➢【Purchasing sites of Arakawa Mountain Bus tickets】                   
・Bus stop for Arakawa Mountain Bus in front of Yakusugi Museum (Yakushima Mountain Environmental Management Council office)
・Tourist information centers (Miyanoura, Yakushima Airport, and Anbo) 
・Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Village Center (Miyanoura)  
・Accommodations : JR Hotel (Onoaida), Seaside Hotel (Miyanoura), sunkara Hotel & spa (Mugio), Tashiro Bekkan (MIyanoura), Morinokokage (Anbo), etc.

– For detailed information –
☛ Arakawa Mountain Bus Operating Information ⇒
☛ English Website ⇒
☛ Arakawa Mountain Bus English leaflet [Download] ⇒

Official Account@yakusansyaryou

– 【 Inquiry 】: Yakushima Mountain Environmental Management Council (YMEMC) TEL: 0997-46-3317

The Arakawa Mountain Bus Timetable
From Yakusugi Museum
→To Arakawa Tozanguchi
From Arakawa Tozanguchi
→To Yakusugi Museum
Departure   Arrival Departure   Arrival
5:00 5:35 △ 6:20 6:55
5:20 5:55 ■ 6:40 7:15
5:40 6:15 15:00 15:35
■ 6:00 6:35 ■15:30 16:05
14:00 14:35 16:00 16:35
■:Out of service in the month of Jun. and Nov.
△:Operates in the month of Jun. and Nov.
16:30 17:05
17:00 17:35
■17:30 18:05
△17:45 18:20
■18:00 18:35
・Please be aware of the departure time for the last bus.
・Please note that the bus timetable may slightly change due to unforeseen circumstances.
・The bus services may be suspended due to road conditions and weather.
・Arakawa Mountain Bus has no reservation or reserved-seat system.

◆ General Information

Yakushima is a round shaped mountainous island with a circumference of 132 kilometers. Known as the “Alps on the Ocean”, Yakushima has over 45 mountains higher than 1,000 meters including Mt. Miyanoura at 1936 meters, the highest mountain in Kyushu.

◆ Climate

Yakushima has an annual rainfall of 8,000 to 10,000 millimeters falling mainly in the mountains. In winter you may see snow on mountains over 800 meters high. The temperature on the summits may be as low as -15 degrees Celsius, 10 to 20 degrees lower than the coastal areas. Temperature and weather on the island may vary dramatically.

◆ Mountain Trail Information

Most of Yakushima’s mountain climbing routes are well marked with signs. However you must be careful when climbing, stay on the trails at all times. Mountain accidents have happened in the past. To be on the safe side, please select trails that are commonly used. 
If you lose your way, you should stay put and wait for help. If you must, descend along a ridge but never descend to a stream to follow it out. It is very dangerous with waterfalls and slippery ravines.

◆ Mountaineering Equipment

For your safety and comfort the following equipment is essential if you plan to do any mountaineering: the appropriate items of clothing, rain wear, flashlight, compass, whistle, map, mobile phone, radio, and a first aid kit. Also food, energy bar, and water should be part of your gear. 
Please be aware that all essential supplies should be prepared in advanced before the climb. There are no stores in the mountain. 
Mobile phone reception in the mountains is limited. Arakawa Tozanguchi, Jomonsugi observational deck, Meotosugi, Nageshi-daira, summits of Mt. Miyanoura, Mt. Nagata, Mt. Kuromi, Mt. Kurio, Mt. Tachu, and places where Tanegashima Island can be seen are some of the places that mobile phones may be used. We highly recommend that you bring a mobile phone in case of an emergency. 

◆ Mountain Climbing Notification

We ask all climbers to submit a mountain climbing notification. Mountain climbing notifications are used to insure your safety while mountaineering in Yakushima. They are used to locate you if you were not able to return from a climb in an appropriate amount of time. If you meet with an accident or disaster and need help, a search and rescue will be conducted. Please be advised, if a search and rescue is conducted, you will be responsible for the total cost. The Mountain Climbing Notification forms can be found at Yakushima Town Office, Miyanoura and Anbo ports, Yakushima Airport, police stations, and Tourist Information Centers.

◆ Hiking Manners

Protect plants and animals

Conservation of Yakushima’s environment is a high priority. Disturbing the plants and wildlife can affect the environment destroying the ecosystem. Please do not take or damage any wildlife while hiking or visiting Yakushima. Damaging or taking any part of nature in the National Park is strictly prohibited.


What you take with into the mountains should be brought back with you when you leave the mountains. Take a trash bag with you so that you have a place to put the trash in to carry out. Once back at your accommodation, you can dispose of the trash. Please follow the guideline for separating the trash.

Keeping the Waters Clean

To reduce the pollution of the mountain water resources, we ask that after each meal, wipe the plates and cooking utensils with tissue paper instead of washing them. Also use the outhouses or disposable toilets. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

No Camping or Fires on the Mountains

Camping is not permitted in the mountains. Mountain huts are available for overnight stays. All fires are strictly prohibited.

No Pets Allowed in the Mountains

To preserve the ecosystem, pets are not allowed to accompany you on your climb.

No Feeding the Wildlife

It is important to keep the balance in nature so as not to upset the ecosystem. Feeding the wildlife can cause a change in their habit. They may look adorable but they are wild animals and should be considered dangerous.

Mountain Outhouses

Maintaining the mountain outhouses is hard work. Proper usage of the outhouses is a must so that all the outhouses can be available to everyone who wishes to use them. Please do not throw inappropriate items in the toilets. An alternative to the outhouses is the disposable toilets that can be purchased at many locations throughout Yakushima.

◆ Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts in Japan: Police, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue Services 
The nationwide emergency phone numbers are:
☎ Ambulance/Fire/Emergency rescue Tel: 119
☎ Police                  Tel: 110

No additional area code is necessary for both regular and mobile phones. An emergency phone call can be made free of charge from any phone including public pay phones. It is recommended that you have your GPS turned on to help police locate you, in case of emergency.  
Contact information for police stations and hospitals on Yakushima are listed below.

Emergency Telephone Numbers
Name Location Telephone Number
Yakushima Police Station Anbo 0997-46-2110
Yakushima Fire Department,
( North Fire Station )
Miyanoura 0997-42-0119
Yakushima Fire Department,
( South Fire Station )
Onoaida 0997-47-2125


Hospital & Clinics
Name Location Telephone Number
Nagata Clinic 1247-1 Nagata 0997-45-2273
Wada Clinic 217 Miyanoura 0997-42-1322
Araki Dental Clinic 197 Miyanoura 0997-42-2248
Koseda min-nano shinryojo Clinic 849-18 Koseda 0997-43-5100
Naka Clinic 410-158 Anbo 0997-46-2131
Onoaida Clinic 136-6 Onoaida 0997-47-3277
Kurio Clinic 1743 Kurio 0997-48-2103
Kowaki Dental Clinic 739-15 Anbo 0997-46-3744
Tagami Osteopathic Clinic 739-146 Anbo 0997-46-2171
*Yakushima Tokusyukai Hospital
(General hospital)
2467 Miyanoura 0997-42-2200